Well, I am in my 30's but there is something wrong with
the Time/Space Continium somewhere cause I sure don't feel like I am that old. I wear glasses cause I can't stand contacts
and my brown hair turns almost red after being in the sun all summer. As you can see I am a Country Boy at heart but haven't
worked on the farm - lived on a Pig Farm in the Netherlands, live in the country now, and my Mother was raised as a farmgirl
but I'd have to call myself a Urban Cowboy.
My wife and I haven't any two legged children however we do
have plenty of 4 leggeds. We have 4 Cats in my house and Bats in my Belfry... Really! My house is a 100 year old Fieldstone
School House out in the country and despite all attempts to keep them out - I manage to get a winged friend in the attic every
once in a while. Annoying as hell but great conversation piece! Not to mention it is fun watching the cats trying to chase
them - "ohh big bug daddy, can we play with it, please". A couple years ago my wife talked me into adding a couple puppies
to the harem and now we also have two goofy Black Labs and yes the cats keep them in line pretty well.
So what do I
do for a living? I've been an EMT since 1988, worked as a Theater Technician/Electrician for a few years, went Active Duty
U.S. Air Force, and now work as a medic for a fairly large EMS Company in Michigan. From 1997 until 2001 I was employed with
the Police Department at Central Michigan University. However after 4 years of that job I was quickly reaching the point of
being burned out and needed some sort of change. I am also in the USAF/Air National Guard (Michigan) and in 2000 after more
than 10 years of being a Air Force Cop I was informed that due to downsizing I would either have to leave at the end
of the enlistment or cross train into another career. So I took the choice to re-train and was assigned to the 110th Fighter
Wing/Medical Squadron and sent to school for a year. I am now what the USAF calls a 4NO71 "Areospace Medical Technician -
Journeyman" or "Medtech". This training combined the skills and knowledge of a Licensed Practical Nurse, an Emergency
Medical Technician, and Flight Medic all into one job - TOO COOL! I completed my initial training at Sheppard AFB,
Wichita Falls, Texas before attending Clinical Training "Internship" at David-Grant Medical Center at
Travis AFB, California.
Since 1988, I
have been a member of the Medical Staff for Special Olympics - Michigan. Had to miss the State Winter Finals in
2001 due to that Air Force Training but took it one step further when I came back by becoming the Isabella County
Team Captain for the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics. For the first time in history, my county raised
more than $1,000 for Special Olympics through the Torch Run to the tune of $7,034.73!!!
So what is my goal in
life - well I sure do like helping people out in their time of need so I intend to stick in EMS. Now that I am a Paramedic,
I may want to think about maybe working towards a RN License to work in the Emergency Room or Trauma Center. But I think
it would be just too cool to be a Flight Medic/Nurse with a Helecopter Service. Of course that's all for when I grow up and
who knows when that will be.

What do you get when you combine a Beaver + A Duck + Platypus
WITH a Oil Rig + Corn Cob + a Falcon ???
The Answer is simple: One very witty, intellegent, funny, and caring person
also known as ME!!! I bet your confused so I shall elaborate. Dad got his Degree at University of Oregon - AKA: The Fighting
Ducks (also the only organization licensed to use the Donald Duck character outside of the Disney Company). Mother got her
Bachelors Degree at Oregon State University - AKA: the Mighty Beavers! Add those together, wait 9 months and out comes a Platypus
(ME). I went to High School at Mount Pleasant H.S. - the "Oilers", attended College at Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota
- "The Cobbers" (our mascot is the meanest corn cob you ever seen thanks to the immigrant Norwegian Lutheran Farmers in Minnesota).
The Falcon is probably the most obvious as it is the mascot and symbol of the United States Air Force. So there's the
answer to all your questions - cool story huh?

What's the best part of my Job? -- Knowing that when people
need help in what could be the worst moment of their lives, all they need to do is dial 911 and we will be sent to help them. I
also like working with the my collegues and the community where we work. Its a fun job most of the time and thats
due to the great people I work with.
What's the Worst part of my Job? -- Well there sure are a lot less bad
stuff as a EMT that at the Police Department. I am not too fond of some of the people who abuse the 911 EMS system, however
that does not mean that I treat them any differently than others who truely need our services. Sometimes the hours are long
and a call may come in just as your ready to go home, but that also plays into why I like this job so much. I think the worse
thing about this job is that you have to work evenings and weekends everyonce in a while and that can cut into the time I
have to share with my wife and family.

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- no computers or satilite systems here. Plus they hire CMU Grads so they can't "bee" so bad. (Cool stuff on their
site also)

Favorite Things In Life
Movies: I really am not that picky, Sandra Bullock, Sean Connery,
James Earl Jones, Harrison Ford, Nicole Kidman, Jamie Lee Curtis, Sean Young, Julia Roberts, and Tomy Lee Jones rank as some
of my Favorite Actors.
Televison: ER, Third Watch, and The West Wing all the way. TiVo to the rescue more than once
working night shifts...
Foods: Cooking is a big hobby and pretty
much everything is good for me. I'd like to fancy myself as a BBQ chef and am working on learning more.
Tom Clancy Rules, AutoBiographys, and Documentary on anything Public Safety oriented (Fire Fighters, Paramedics/ER/Hospital,
Law Enforcement). Military Biographys are cool as long as they don't get too deep in to the "historical" issues. Rouge Warrior
goes best with a brew from Rouge Brewery.
Music Tastes: Diverse as all get out, depends on my mood at the time. Although
Country Music rules by majority - 90% of the time thats what I will be listening too. Garth Brooks, Martina McBride, Lorie
Morgan, Terri Clark and Kathy Mattea. As for other favorites (you might want to sit down) Metalica, LaBouche, 80's Rock, Beethoven,
J.S. Bach, Celtic Fiddle and Scottish Pipes, Reggae, Techno, and New Age. Absolutely NO House, NO Opera, and NO Southern Gospel!!
