THE REAL BEER PAGE: Is another of the excellent reference sites for the true Beer Lover. Links to Brewery's, Importers, Critics,
...etc. You need to know about it and it has to do with Beer - you'll probably find it here.
Mediccopcom's Choice Beer of the Moment
Over the past couple years I have encountered a couple choice brews to share:
Brewed not too far from San Antonio, TX. A delightful American made Bock beer that has great
body, nice refreshing start and a wonderful full hoppy finish. Thick enough to know its a quality craft brew but light enough
to please most who choose to taste it.
While en route home from Saudi Arabia, the Charter Aircraft made a stop at Shannon Airport in
Ireland. What a break for me, not only did I have a chance to have a pint or three of Guiness fresh from the Brewery (its
true -Guiness doesn't travel well over the ocean) as it tasted better there than any that I have had outside the country of
its origin... But I also had the chance to try this absolutely delightful Hard Cider. Not particularly fond of the ever so
common Woodchuck I am always looking for a new cider. SCUMPY JACK is the best I've ever had - nice crisp apple taste without
the sickly sweet of the american Ciders. If it where a champagne I would have to call it a mix between Brut and Sec - simply
put just totally refreshing. Needless to say after a few pints of this great beverage - the 8 hour flight across the ocean
packed in like sardines on the Gov't Charter L1011 wasn't nearly as bad as it was on the way to the desert.
Hey, there is no alcohol allowed in the muslem countrys such as Saudi Arabia so when you find
yourself needing a fix - give this one a go! It doesn't have that nasty molasas finish and aftertaste of most every other
Alcohol Free Brew I have tasted. Just be careful driving or walking home - eventhough its not even .01% ETOH by volume it
still has that wonderful Diuretic Effect its alcoholic brother has - but somewhat quicker!
Craft Brew of Choice:

Emperor Norton Lager - Amber lager About 5.5 - 7.0% Distinctive malt character dominates the full, rounded
flavors of Emperor Norton Lager. The rich blend of lightly roasted malts creates a unique, smooth taste. Emperor Norton Lager
is named after San Francisco's legendary Emperor Norton, self proclaimed Emperor of the United States. Always on tap.
Mass Produced Good Beer of Choice:

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is a delightful example of the classic pale ale style. It has a deep amber color and a exceptionally
full-bodied, complex character. The fragrant bouquet and spicy flavor are the results of the generous use of the best Cascade
hops. Alcohol Content: 5.6% by volume Bittering Hops: Perle Beginning Gravity: 13 Plato Finishing
Hops: Cascade Ending Gravity: 2.8 Plato Malts: Two-row Barley Malt Yeast: Top Fermenting Ale Yeast Caramel Malt

Import Highlight

CHIMAY BLUE (Belgium) Named Grande Reserve, it is principally distinguished by its character of a strong beer. This is
a beer whose odour of fresh yeast with a light, flowery rosy touch is especially pleasant. Its flavour, noticed when tasting
it, only accentuates the pleasant sensations perceived in the aroma, while revealing a light but pleasant touch of roasted
malt. This top fermented Trappist beer, refermented in the bottle, is not pasteurised. As such I recomend experimenting with
a technique used with fine wines - thats to let it lie for a while. With proper skill this beer shall only get better with

Mr. Jackson is one of several critics whom I consider to be one of the best. I have not been led astray when following his
advise. This site is excellent if your looking for quality reviews of Brewery's and their products. Warning: recently he developed
a Beer Club - it allows you further discussion on individual beers and will sell you a membership (It is a marketing ploy
which I am sorry to see him use) Anyway - I am not a member nor am I receiving a kickback on the banner. Just a link to good
Observations In General
If anyone thinks that life in the Midwest is fast paced or that we drive wrecklessly - Visit California!!! If that don't change
your mind, you should move there - you will fit right in.......