Seate Oliver

Snot or Snotterpus for short (due to the amount of gunk in his eyes when he was a wittle kitten). He picked us buy climbing
up on the tire of the car during the summer of 1996 in the Blockbuster Video Parking Lot. Was a wee kitten then, barely filled
a hand but is now a wopping lard butt with nothing but love to share!

Seate is the "Big Boy" of the house not only being the oldest but also the biggest. Weighing in at about 10-14 Lbs
he is also the second biggest chicken (next only to Banter). He hasn't quite accepted the new kid but is slowly getting used
to Oliver.
Miss Gypsy Rose Louise

Miss Louise for short is the solitary Queen of the Family who gracefully keeps the "boyz" in line. No Sunbeam is
safe when she's out around the house.

Miss Louise is a prim and proper prom queen of a cat. Miss Manners would be pleased in that Lou always bats the shades aside
when she enters the window sill (in order to not bend the blinds) and eats her food properly (one morsel at a time, completely
chewing before taking another bite). She is a bit camera shy but that is only part of her slightly skittish nature.
