Special Olympics Photo Album
State Summer Games 2000 CMU

Above you see one of our stunning Doctor's and the Medical Staff Team Leader cutting (no pun intended even though she is a
Surgeon) loose doing the Macarana at the Victory Dance. Notice the famous "Trashman Joe" taking in the event to
the right!! SOMI's Medical Staff provides complete medical coverage during the games for the 3,500 plus Athletes and their
Coaches, Chaperones, and Spectators. Our Multi-Disciplinary Staff is composed of the traditional titles one would expect a
Medical Staff to have (Doctors and Nurses). We also believe that since most care for injuries occur at the venue or away from
our treatment center that it is a Pre-Hospital environment, so we add Paramedics, EMT's, and MFR's to the pot. One thing that
sets Michigan aside as having one of the Finest Medical Staff's in Special Olympic's, is that we relize this is an Athletic
Competition and have incorporated Athletic Trainers, and other Sports Medicine professionals into our staff to provide the
best care possible for the Athletes!

That's no Athlete! It's Tony the Tiger and he stopped by to take a rest on MEDIC-1 with Yoshi and Bill from the Med Staff
at Outdoor Special Events. Thanks for being part of the games Tony - they're GREAT! That is a cool little golf cart, gas powered
and a complete BLS unit complete with Head Lights, Revolving and Strobe Warning Lights, and a Siren. Haven't had to use it
at the games but our thanks to Medic-1 for letting us borrow it just in case.

CMU, Spartan Stores, and other volunteer agencies such as the 144th Military Police (Army National Guard) out of Owosso, Michigan
make the games happen for these athletes! Here you see one of the Special Olympic's mascots "Gopher the Gold" arriving
in a HMMWV (High Mobility Motorized Wheeled Vehicle) "Hummer" to share in the Athletes Festivities between competitons.
If you look closely you might notice a Medical Staff member wearing a couple of hats here. This gal goes way out of her way
- not only does she volunteer on the Medical Staff, but she also coordinates the entire Opening Ceremonies for the Summer
Games. That is the type of dedication SOMI Volunteers are famous for!
HOW TO GET INVOLVED???? Contact the State Office for Special Olympics Michigan at: Special Olympics
Michigan Central Michigan University Mount Pleasant, Michigan 48859 (517) 774-3911 or 1-800-644-6404
Or you can CLICK HERE to visit the Special Olympics - Michigan website to check event schedules and contact info.
If you live outside Michigan, Visit this site for more information: Special Olympics International - Homepage
WANT TO SEE MORE??? I've made a special site that is dedicated to Special Olympics Medical Staff and SOMI! Click on my "homemade"
Logo below and check it out.......

Looking for a new Credit Card? Show your pride in Special Olympics with this FirstUSA Visa honoring the Athletes.


The only law here is that you have to do your best and have a lot of fun!! One of my fellow (sic) LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN
for Special Olympics runners, a MICHIGAN STATE POLICE Trooper from the new Detroit Metro North Post (21 I think), takes a
minute to show this group of Athletes the way to break out in dance!!! This Trooper is part of the State Police Team that
runs the torch from Copper Harbor in the Upper Penninsula all the way to Detroit to raise funds for Special Olympic's. Also
involved are members of the Michigan Sheriff's Association, Department of Corrections, and hundreds of Local Law Enforcement
Officers from around the state.

Here we find Actor Chris Burke, known for his role as "Corky" on the TV Show "Life Goes On" giving out
awards to athletes at the Track and Field Events. Chris is the Honorary Chairman of Special Olympics - Michigan State Summer
Games now for his 6th year. His accomplishments and enthusiasm is an inspiration to all at the games, Athletes and Volunteers.
We are proud that he has become a regular part of the Summer Games here in Michigan. I consider it an honor and priveledge
to work with Chris during the games.

Do You Shop Online? PlanetRx, REI, Amazon.com...etc? Use the link to "Greater Good.com" and up to 15% of your the
money you pay for purchases on line will go to Special Olympics. There are hundreds of stores: Dell Computers, Drugstore.com,
MarthaStewart.com, The Gap, JC Penney, L.L. Bean, Office Max, Starbucks Coffee... the list goes on. Just MAKE SURE you register
before shopping or else SOMI won't get the donation. Check it out !!!!!

SPECIAL OLYMPICS OATH: "Let me win, but if I can not win, let me be brave in the attempt!"